Hendy Fatchurrohman, S.Si., M.Sc.
Recent Publications
Multitemporal water quality analysis of a karst spring affected by allogenic recharge [2023] – Cahyadi, A., Haryono, E., Adji, T.N., Widyastuti, M., Riyanto, I.A., Muhammad, D.T.N., Adji, A.P.K.
Multitemporal water quality analysis of an epikarst spring for agricultural irrigation in the Gunungsewu Karst Area, Indonesia [2023] – Cahyadi, A., Riyanto, I.A., Ramadhan, F., Widyastuti, M., Fatchurohman, H., Adji, T.N.
Worst-Case tsunami inundation modeling using high-resolution UAV-DEM in various coastal typologies, case study Gunungkidul coastal area [2022] – Fatchurohman, H., Cahyadi, A., Purwanto, T.H.
Identification of coastal typology: potential resources and hazards [2022] – Wibowo, Y.A., Ronggowulan, L., Fatchurohman, H., Nursaputra, M., Arief, D.A., Permonojati, L., Suriadi, Kurniawan, D., Afrizal, R.
Geospatial technology for flood hazard analysis in Comal Watershed, Central Java, Indonesia [2022] – Wibowo, Y.A., Marfai, M.A., Hadi, M.P., Fatchurrohman, H., Ronggowulan, L., Arif, D.A.