Prof. Dr. Eko Haryono, M.Si.
Recent Publications
The Dynamics of Sustainable Livelihoods and Agroforestry in Gunungkidul Karst Area, Yogyakarta, Indonesia [2023] – Sulistiyowati, E., Setiadi, S., Haryono, E.
Multitemporal water quality analysis of a karst spring affected by allogenic recharge [2023] – Cahyadi, A., Haryono, E., Adji, T.N., Widyastuti, M., Riyanto, I.A., Muhammad, D.T.N., Adji, A.P.K.
Finding the Corridor Potential between Protected Areas in a Fragmented Landscape, Gunungkidul Regency, Indonesia [2023] – Panuntun, M.D., Haryono, E., Santosa, L.W.
Discovering water relations using hydrochemistry, isotopic data, and mass-balance calculation approaches to reduce the risk of impacts from limestone mining [2023] – Poetra, R.P., Adji, T.N., Haryono, E., Cahyadi, A., Agniy, R.F., Riyanto, I.A., Fatchurrohman, H., Kholis, A.N., Tivianton, T.A., Febriarta, E.
The Geomagnetic Regional Model in Indonesia for Epoch 2020.0 [2023] – Muhamad Syirojudin, Haryono, E., Ahadi, S., Adi, S.P., Efendi, N.